Saturday, September 22, 2007

We brake for kitties and Buddha

This migrant monkey is finding the climate in Luang Prabang much more suitable. Mornings are "relatively" cool and overcast until about 10:00 AM. The sun begins its descent around 16:30. Of course the town shuts down by 22:00 - which is fine because I need to get my sleep on before the bandsaws return to work in the morning.

We're mostly walking around the city. Francis is armed with the camera, and I'm armed with my brelly - a true life saver for this delicate little flower.

Francis would tell you (if he was participating in this blog...) he preferred the food in Vientiane. However, we've discovered a lovely little restaurant just around the corner from our hotel called the Morning Glory. She's a divine cook and serves fresh pesto and delicious fresh Laos coffee and fruit shakes all day long. The main food issue appears to be the Laotian fondness for onions. We all know how Francis feels about onions, and they're in everything everywhere- including the scrambled eggs.

We've done the museum circuit in town - "sorry, no photos, please" - ending the day with the former Royal Palace. How interesting to see the gifts given to the King by the various nations. USA contributed a piece of the moon. Australia contributed a boomerang. The most impressive gifts appear to have come from Thailand, India, and China.

The children seem to either fear or love me. I must appear such an odd creature with my platinum hair and tattoos. At least one child has attempted to rub off my tattoos - insisting that it must be pen.

Expect more kittens and Buddhas in your next installment. And trust that we are well (and in spite of some of my previous postings) truly having a fabulous time!

1 comment:

TBA_TBA said...

I am just looking at this, I moved Francis email to a folder to be forgotten - no more. We hoping you are having a a great time, by the looks of the photos and postings you are. I will send an email.