Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Monkeys Dammit!

It was beginning to look as though this would be the only monkey I'd see in SE Asia this time.

So I was on a mission. Because indeed this blog can't be called migrant monkeys & have no monkey pictures (as Pete so dutifully pointed out).

It took us a few days to rally after we were struck down by food poisoning in Laos. We soldiered on to the airport after a sleepless night of the sick, and had a few fretful moments that we would not be able to find a room back in Chiang Mai so close to Christmas. But in the end baby jeebuz smiled on us, we did not have to sleep in a manger, and we found a comfy place to recuperate. With so much fresh fruits & veggies available here we nursed back our health on fruit shakes- my favorite being beet/carrot/cucumber/lime. Francis thought it tasted like licking an envelope & stuck with pineapple lassi.

Unsure what to do on Christmas day itself I begged one little favor of Fran - that we could please, please do something that entailed spending an afternoon with some monkeys. At first the Monkey Centre seemed like a keen idea. Then I read the Trip Advisor reviews. Apparently it is more like monkey torture camp... No bueno.

And so we settled on the zoo where I spent hours enraptured on Gibbon Island.

 We head back to Bangkok tomorrow to wrap up the trip. I promise we have some last few adventures planned, and I'll have at least one more blog to write.

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